Here's a new stencil that i actually finished weeks ago, but im finally gonna blast it on some pieces today. It combines the famous image of Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffanys, but i replaced her long cigarette holder with a sherlock. The sherlock is actually from the famous painting by Rene Magritte "Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe". I photoshopped the Margritte pipe with some conventional sprial patterns typical of glass pipe art today.
in 2004 i freaked out that the Pixies got back together. I traveled far and wide to see them a total of 15 times that year. I felt like i was back in 10th grade, it was truly a dream come true, thank you Pixies for ressurecting yourself... Randomly i found some pics online someone took at one of the shows i was at...
You'll eventually notice getting to know me that music is without a doubt my favorite medium. I truly wish i was a rockstar or dj instead of a "glass artist", but i guess certain things were just not meant to be. Anyway, i have a very diverse musical taste, and one of my favorite "genres" is "shoegazing". Simple explanation is that the musicians were called shoegazers because they stay bent over their guitars staring at their shoes, concentrating with all their souls on the dissonant wall of sound they are conjuring. My Bloody Valentine defines this sound. They just dont make bands like this anymore, and it makes me quite sad. If i were a musician today, i would try to ressurrect this sound, shit maybe even just start as an MBV cover band. I never got to see them play back in the day; almost once on a shared bill with Dinosaur JR at the RITZ in NYC in 1991. For some odd reason i skipped it, and this other dude i know in high school told me they played a single note for like 23 minutes or something. DAMN, i still kick myself over missing that. Now they are playing some reunion shows for 2008, and as of now, the closest one to me is in Europe....jesus christ these 90's bands dont make things easy on me, the Pixies made me fly to Winnipeg in 2004.
I've actually owed my boy PROB a bubbler for a trade for awhile, and this is what he got the other day, good things come to those who wait... it's actually the first bubbler that ive made completely on my own in 2008, i've been doing so many collabs these days....
i made this piece in 1998 as a gift for my homie GASP. All fumework, and it's the first inside out triple donut that i ever made. I had been blowing glass for about a year at this point.