The theme of the work revolves around money, in both a personal and political fashion. As an artist, money and business is a frustrating yet necessary evil. There is "art" and there are "products for sale", and those cross over to different extents. Andy Warhol had a creative block early in his career and was talking to a gallery owner who told him that he should just "paint what he wanted", which led to his series of dollar bill works. My series of pieces mash's up american pop culture with an anarchist writing the script. A full cylce takes place in 5 stages, the manifestation of greed, the abuse and disrespect, desecration, hedonism, and corporate control of your mind at all costs.
there are 25 separate pieces, each is etched and painted glass and was custom framed in a high quality black frame.
Available now from silicagalleries.com for $350 each.
Click HERE to view available work and purchase!!
Big Thanx to Silica Galleries!!