Graal for Flameworkers
Robert Mickelsen, teaching assistant SLINGER
July 20-24 (5 full days!)
Price: $650 ($700 after April 15)
Robert Mickelsen has been flameworking for over 30 years and shows his work in some of the finest galleries in the country. What is “graal”? Graal is a relatively simple and direct way to create controlled patterns and images on the surface of glass vessels. The results are far more detailed than what can be achieved by drawing with stringer or by other more traditional techniques. The addition of graaled elements can create contrast, texture, and a special kind of rhythm in a vessel. Careful use of graal elements in a design can create narrative or aesthetic meaning in a way not possible by other means. Graal imagery can transform an ordinary vessel, sculpture or even a bead or a marble into an extraordinary work of art. This class will be a technique-intense workshop concentrating on graal for flameworked vessels using a process I have developed over the past twelve years. The students will use photomasking technology to transform their original imagery into intricate masks for sandblasting. Computer technology will be utilized for both the creation of and the transformation of artwork into images suitable for graal. Finally, complex construction of multi-sectional vessels using our graaled blanks will be covered.
Phone Registration
Call 412-365-2145 x208 or Toll Free: 1-866-742-4527
if you ever wanted to learn how to sandblast images on glass, this is the ultimate opportunity. Not only will you learn direct from RAM, the "godfather of graal", but you will also learn my techniques and approach to the process, for 5 whole days! All i can say is that taking the graal class with RAM changed my life, and the class paid for itself using the techniques i learned.

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