Thursday, September 11, 2008

unanswered questions.

so on the anniversary of 9/11, i still wonder to myself, if Bin Laden is responsible, how come we havent caught his ass yet?

when 3,000 people get MURDERED, it makes sense to try to bring the guilty party to justice, and with all our power and technology we cant find this guy, all we can do is search our own citizens and make everyone comfortable with giving up their privacy and their rights..

we are losing our rights daily, freedom of speech and assembly are going fast, i would be scared to go peacefully protest something these days, for fear of being put in jail due to the grey area created by the Patriot Act, i used to think that peaceful protest was what was great about this country, that we all respected our right to have a voice...

the most patriotic thing you can do is to always ask questions. i was taught that if you didnt understand something fully, that you should ask a question,,

the best way to never forget the victims of 9/11 is to never stop asking questions until we get some conceivable answers...

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